Watch The Video Below To Learn How This New Technology Works
SleepGuard partners with your subconscious mind to eliminate the destructive sleep habit that causes TMJ.

I've been using the SleepGuard system for over 6 years. Wearing the headband helps me understand how my health is trending and know what daytime activities contribute to more clenching at night. My clenching hasn't stopped completely but, the SleepGuard tells my subconscious if I'm really putting a lot of pressure on my teeth. I no longer wake up with sore teeth. Combining this treatment with S.O.T. chiropractic has been the trick for me. I strongly recommend this tool for anyone that has struggled with TMJ for an extended amount of time."

TMJ (or more precisely TMJD) stands for temporomandibular joint disorder. There are many symptoms that can manifest as part of TMJ, and if you suffer from any of these symptoms, the information below can help change your life for the better
If you’re reading this, you or someone you love are probably suffering from some or many of the symptoms shown below and are searching for a solution to free you or your loved one from TMJ pain or discomfort.

How Many Of The TMJ Symptoms Below Do You Experience?

Did You Know That All of The Symptoms Above Can Come From Clenching Your Teeth at Night?
Nighttime teeth clenching and grinding puts pressure on the trigeminal nerve, which runs through the area of the temporomandibular joint between your jaw and skull.
The sustained pressure from clenching is far more damaging than brief pulses of pressure from chewing, so if you clench hard while grinding your teeth, or even if you clench without grinding, many of the above symptoms can result, including most commonly jaw pain and jaw joint problems, tooth pain, neck and upper back pain, headaches, and migraines.

Teeth Grinding vs. Teeth Clenching
Teeth clenching and grinding often occur subconsciously and are very similar. The pain that occurs because of this habit is often labeled "TMJ". Click the "GRINDING" and "CLENCHING" tabs below to compare.
- Grinding

Clenching is when your upper and lower teeth are held together with prolonged force. It may leave no visible signs, but clenching for longer than two seconds at a time can damage the roots of teeth, the trigeminal nerve, and the temporomandibular joint. Nighttime clenching often becomes an addictive habit, because part of the subconscious mind finds the sensation of clenching soothing.
Are You One Of The 10 Million People In The US Whose TMJ Disorder Comes From Nighttime Teeth Clenching?
If you are suffering from the effects of nighttime teeth clenching, you are not alone. The good news for you is that clenching is a habit, and just like any habit, teeth clenching can easily be eliminated by retraining your subconscious mind. SleepGuard gives you the right tools to drastically reduce or eliminate your clenching habit and free you from your TMJ pain permanently.

You Are Invited To Join 1000's Of Others Who Are Stopping TMJ Pain.
SleepGuard is the only product that lets you eliminate TMJ at the source, heal completely and get reimbursed by health insurance.
I now think of life as before SleepGuard and after SleepGuard. It's amazing!

What Are The Long Term Consequences Of TMJ?
- Painful Sensations When Chewing and/or Opening & Closing Your Jaw
- Misalignment of Your Upper & Lower Teeth
- Need for Risky Surgeries
- Jaw and Neck Pain That Gets Worse Each Year
- Stiffness in Your Jaw Muscles
- Migraine Headaches
- Locking of Your Jaw
How Most Dentists Approach TMJ
The TMJ tools pushed on dentists at dental shows include mouth guards and oral splints, a wide range of drugs that cause neurological interactions, and Botox (a toxin which paralyzes muscle cells). Unfortunately, the treatments most heavily marketed by many dentists are the ones that would have you coming back to the dentist's office again and again.
The main benefit of regular mouth guards and flat-plane splints are:
1. Off-loading the joint so that when you do clench, you don’t directly damage the joint
2. Stopping tooth enamel wear during grinding
How Effective Are Mouth Guards In Treating Your TMJ?
In 2010, the average cost of a dentist-made custom mouth guard or splint was more than $700.00, with many models running into the $1000’s. But the truth about mouth guards and splints is this:
Most TMJ Sufferers Say That Mouth Guards And Splints Either Only Helped A Little, Or Made Things Worse!
This isn’t surprising, because while a mouth guard may prevent further wear of tooth enamel, it often makes people clench more, which often causes more pain, and can cause the "clicking and popping" of TMJ.

If the Majority of TMJ Sufferers Find That Mouth Guards Don't Effectively Treat Their TMJ... Why is My Dentist Recommending One?
At dental conferences, mouth guard manufacturers promote mouth guards as the second most profitable thing in all of dentistry, and they push dentists to sell mouth guards at high prices. Although mouth guards rarely relieve all of someone's TMJ symptoms, and sometimes make pain worse, they do help reduce joint damage and tooth enamel damage. Because of the constraints placed on your dentist by the healthcare system, your dentist has very little time to research new treatment options. You may have also noticed that over the years your doctors and dentist have less available time to spend with you. This is no fault of your dentist; the demands placed on them by the healthcare system simply don’t allow them the needed time to research every new treatment available. Your dentist may not have heard of the biofeedback headband and may not fully understand how it works. Dentists don't learn about the biofeedback headband in dental school, because although it treats a condition that can lead to damaged teeth, it has very little to do with dentistry. Fortunately, SleepGuard is FDA approved, has no known negative side effects, and you can try it for 3 weeks for FREE. Unlike mouth guards which wear out and need to be purchased again and again, the biofeedback headband does not wear out, and you can try it 100% Risk Free.
Don't Just Put A Band-Aid On Your Discomfort.

A mouth guard may act as a Band-Aid on part of your wound, but it doesn’t stop your teeth clenching, and it often won't alleviate the pain or discomfort from clenching and can rob you of feeling great. When you clench your teeth, the damage comes from the force of your jaw clenching your teeth together.
A mouth guard does nothing to stop this force and does not protect your jaw from becoming overworked, inflamed, and leading to serious pain and suffering. In fact, mouth guards can actually make this problem worse, because feeling something between your teeth can tell your brain to clench even harder.

But Aren't Doctors And Dentists Always Right?
If doctors and dentists were always right, they wouldn't disagree with each other so much on treatments. Neurologists recommend SleepGuard more than 100 times as often as dentists. This could be because they have no financial conflict of interest because they are not allowed to profit off the sale of mouth guards. Perhaps if more healthcare professionals were educated about nighttime biofeedback, there wouldn’t be so many sufferers still desperately searching for a cure.
Back In 1999, A Team Of Top Engineers And Businessmen From MIT, Harvard, And Princeton Set Out To Revolutionize TMJ Treatment.
The Dental Industry Wasn’t Ready… And Still Isn’t.

Back in 1999 when we started, there were five of us (3 engineers from MIT, one businessman from Harvard, and one from Princeton). We had learned that nighttime teeth clenching was a problem that kept millions of people in chronic pain. Two of us had first-hand experience of such clenching, and we had an idea for a solution that would let people train themselves out of clenching and grinding.
We invested a bunch of our own money and years of our time, building a succession of better and better prototypes and showing them off at dental shows between 1998 and 2000. By 2001 we had a great product that worked really well, but we were also learning that getting dentists really interested was a lot harder than we thought, and that just because something is amazingly effective doesn't mean it is going to be adopted quickly.
Some dentists told us that "it isn't dental", because it doesn't go in your mouth. Dentists who only saw a small number of TMJ patients said they would not take the time to become expert in nighttime biofeedback, and would rather send those patients to a dentist who treated many TMJ patients. Some dentists who saw many TMJ patients told us they were not interested because mouth guards were more profitable and easier for people to use. The people we met at those dental shows who really liked the product were people who suffered from TMJ (including some dentists), who found mouth guards did not help them, or in some cases made things worse.
Backing away from only selling to dentists, in 2005 we started to sell directly to consumers. By 2007, hundreds of people who had gotten out of TMJ pain using the biofeedback headband had enthusiastically shown their dentists, and told us their dentist would be calling us. Out of those hundreds, only two dentists contacted us, so in 2007 most of our original team moved on to other ventures, and one has kept this venture going in non-profit mode to keep the SleepGuard biofeedback headband available for TMJ sufferers who are lucky enough to find it. We have now helped many thousands of TMJ sufferers become free from TMJ.
SleepGuard is FDA approved, money-back guaranteed, allows you to eliminate the root cause of TMJ, and is reimbursable through health insurance.
SleepGuard is a Proven Solution To STOP the Nighttime Habit That Causes TMJ Pain
Watch this video to learn more about bruxism and how this common habit causes TMJ Pain:

Your Quick & Easy Solution To Free Yourself From TMJ Pain And Discomfort, And Skyrocket Into Feeling Great
Nighttime SleepGuard biofeedback is easy to use, and most people start to see results within a few days. The biofeedback headband is easy to use, and only takes a few minutes to learn how to operate.

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The SleepGuard biofeedback headband has helped thousands of people like you to stop clenching, and has helped them alleviate a variety of painful symptoms caused by teeth clenching.
But, don't take our word for it...
Listen to the success stories from SleepGuard users who have become free from pain, and will never suffer from the pain caused by TMJ again.
Audio Testimonials
Clarissa Jacobson (interviewed by Elizabeth Carrington) came to hate dentists. She went to six dentists over a period of years (including one of the premier Beverly Hills TMJ specialists), spent over $20,000 on mouth guards and other treatments, and nothing helped until she tried the SleepGuard biofeedback headband.
Bob Kirk (interviewed by Lee Weinstein) shares how the SleepGuard biofeedback headband helped him stop breaking teeth and stop needing root canals.
Michele Y. (interviewed by Elizabeth Carrington) used to grind her teeth, and suffered from headaches for many years. Mouth guards and muscle relaxants did nothing for these problems, and her NTI mouth guard actually made things worse. After she started using the SleepGuard biofeedback headband, Michele went from 15 headaches per month to one or two per month, and got rid of her jaw pain.
Diane Lawrence (interviewed by Elizabeth Carrington) tried many different mouth guards, but clenched so hard that her jaw and fibromyalgia hurt terribly. Muscle relaxants didn’t help, and she tried a specialized NTI mouth guard that “screwed up her jaw”. She now thinks of her life as “before SleepGuard and after SleepGuard”.
Elizabeth Carrington (interviewed by Lee Weinstein) tells of her 20-year struggle with migraines, which finally ended with the SleepGuard biofeedback headband. She went from having migraines at least 3 days per week, to having no migraines for over a year.
Liz Gardner (interviewed by Elizabeth Carrington) shares the story of how she finally got her years of migraines and TMJ problems under control with the SleepGuard biofeedback headband.
Linda L. (interviewed by Lee Weinstein) suffered from TMJ pain and daily migraines for years. She tried jaw reconstruction surgery, NTI (which made things worse), anticonvulsants, narcotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, Botox injections, total hysterectomy (yes, some doctors tell people to do that), spent over $10,000 on dentists, got some relief through an orthotic, and within 10 nights of using the SleepGuard biofeedback headband she was out of pain. Within four months she could go months without wearing it.
Written Testimonials
"I was a serious grinder, but in a matter of weeks, SleepGuard helped me stop grinding my teeth. No more headaches. No more sore jaw. And best of all, I haven't had to wear a night guard in over a year!"
- L. Russell, Boston
"Before SleepGuard, every morning I would wake up feeling like I had been through a 10-round fight. My jaw and temples were tender and throbbing…my eyes were bloodshot. I searched the Internet for years for something that would help, and finally found an answer. When your package arrived, I was eager to try it and have been satisfied with the results ever since."
- K. Meehan, New York City
"I'm simply amazed at how effective this device has been for me. Averaging the first 30 days of data shows that I dropped from over 9 seconds of clenching per hour to less than one second per hour.
I was quite skeptical before using it, but was money-back guaranteed, so I decided to give it a try. Initially I was concerned that the alarm would constantly wake my spouse, but it hasn't been a problem at all. Thank you for making such a device available at a reasonable price."
-Ron Blackstock, Saint Petersburg, FL
"Your product is unbelievable - I would not know where I would be without it!"
- Sito, Redwood City, CA
"Thank you for creating this product for people with bruxism who have nowhere else to turn after trying conventional remedies. The product has helped me immensely and has reduced my clenching significantly. I will recommend this product to anyone with this problem."
- Kirsten, Cape Coral, FL
"My grinding and neck pain are greatly reduced since purchasing my SleepGuard biofeedback headband, thank you."
- Anne McCullagh Rennie, Australia

Get Out Of Pain, FOR FREE
You are invited to try SleepGuard for 3 weeks at no charge.

SleepGuard is a Drug-Free, Holistic Approach to Eliminate Your TMJ Pain and Discomfort.
The SleepGuard biofeedback headband does not require the use of medications and has no known negative side effects. The device has been approved by the FDA and is a safe and effective, doctor-recommended way to drastically reduce or eliminate your teeth clenching, so you can heal and get out of pain.

Do you need an affordable solution for the root cause of your TMJ pain?
The SleepGuard biofeedback headband is far less expensive than prescription mouth guards, which often cost more than $1000 per year to maintain. The maintenance cost of the biofeedback headband is less than 20 cents per day. SleepGuard pricing starts as low as $295.00, and flexible payment arrangements are also available.
You can eliminate your pain for less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day.
How do Mouth Guards Compare to the SleepGuard Biofeedback Headband?
Survey of 200 TMJ Sufferers Comparing Efficacy of Splints/Mouth Guards with SleepGuard Nighttime Biofeedback

Nighttime biofeedback was rated "significantly helpful" by over three times the percentage of people as rated mouth guards or splints significantly helpful.
Results From a 200-Person TMJ Survey
- Only about 1 out of 10 people surveyed found mouth guards to be very helpful
- More than half the people surveyed found the biofeedback headband very helpful
- More than 80% of people surveyed found the biofeedback headband to be helpful enough to be worth buying
Below is a chart to help you make an educated decision.
Features | SleepGuard | Mouthguard | |
100% Money Back Guarantee | |||
Free Phone and Online Support | |||
Ability to Track Clenching | |||
Typically lasts over 10 years | |||
Severity of Clenching Does Not Affect Product Lifespan |
"Everyone deserves a way out of pain"

Why Don't Most Dentists Offer a Money-Back Guarantee?
If dentists were so sure that mouth guards offered a real solution for teeth clenching, wouldn’t they offer you a money-back guarantee? With mouth guard sales being over 90% profit for the average dentist, the profits are more than big enough to cover such a guarantee... unless dentists fear that the vast majority of their patients would wind up asking for their money back. When one dentist who claims his mouth guards "always cure TMJ" was asked why he does not offer a money-back guarantee, he said "my wife would never let me do that". Really?
Do you want a ZERO-RISK solution to your teeth clenching?
We are confident that you will discover nighttime biofeedback lets you wipe out pain caused by clenching your teeth, we provide a 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee. Most users start seeing results in less than 5 days, so 30 days is more than enough time to see if SleepGuard is the right solution for you. If you’re not sure whether you clench/grind, then you can use the biofeedback headband to measure how much you clench at night, and that will provide valuable information for your doctor and dentist, at no cost!
Need more information?
If you still aren’t ready to take advantage of our risk-free unconditional money-back guarantee, and you have questions, please ask us your questions at the bottom of this page. We are real people. We have helped thousands of people get out of pain, and we would like to help you.
Getting Relief Doesn't Have To Be Hard: SleepGuard Partners With Your Subconscious Mind While You Sleep

Painful TMJ symptoms almost always come from a nighttime teeth clenching habit. That habit is there because part of your subconscious mind has grown to like clenching during sleep. That part of your subconscious finds the sensation of clenching soothing. It thinks it is helping you. Your subconscious doesn’t realize that clenching that feels soothing during sleep causes damage, and feels painful while awake.
The SleepGuard biofeedback headband doesn’t get you out of pain all by itself. It partners with your subconscious mind, so you instinctively stop clenching every time you start, and that gets you out of pain. You do a few minutes of practice each day while awake, that creates and strengthens the part of your subconscious that will work with SleepGuard to stop your clenching and get you out of pain.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee
The SleepGuard Biofeedback Headband is Risk-Free to Try, and unlike costly $700 mouth guards,SleepGuard provides you with the comfort and security of a no-hassle money-back guarantee.
Don’t You Deserve to be Free From Your TMJ Pain Like so Many Others?
Our research shows that the SleepGuard biofeedback headband is not only the most effective tool in the world for eliminating the cause of TMJ pain, but it’s also the only product in the world addressing the root cause of TMJ disorder that can be tried risk-free.
Take the first step toward freeing yourself of TMJ pain and discomfort forever.