Your Solution to Ending Migraine Headaches
Learn a new, state-of-the-art way to prevent migraines by watching this short video.

According to the Migraine Research Foundation, nearly 1 in 4 households in the U.S. has a family member who suffers from migraine headaches, and more than 90% of migraine sufferers are unable to work while they are suffering from a migraine. The constant lingering fear of when another attack may occur can lead to anxiety and depression. Thankfully, recent groundbreaking research has found a safe and effective migraine treatment that targets the root cause of the migraine instead of just treating your symptoms.

Looking for a Solution to Prevent Migraines Without Medications?
If you suffer from migraine headaches, you probably know about some of the most common treatments for migraine headaches. Until recently, most of the treatments involve medications that don’t cure your migraines and fall into two categories:
Preventative Medications:
Preventative medications attempt to diminish the severity or frequency of migraines, but they usually don’t eliminate your migraines. In addition, these expensive drugs can damage your liver, kidneys, and even your central nervous system.
Pain Relieving Medications:
These medications don’t help to reduce the frequency or severity of your migraines, and they don’t prevent your migraine from occurring. They are taken only after your migraine has already begun, and are used only to alleviate rather than eliminate the symptoms. These drugs can drain your bank account, even if you have insurance.
If you prefer to treat only the SYMPTOMS of your migraines, and you don’t mind taking potentially harmful and/or addictive prescription drugs for the rest of your life, then one of the above remedies will suffice, and there is no need to keep reading. However, if you’re seeking a holistic solution that helps you target the real cause of your migraines, we invite you to continue reading.

The area of greatest difference in migraine-sensitive brains is shown within the blue region above
How Your Migraine-Sensitive Brain is Different
Recent medical research has shown that the brains of migraine-sensitive people are structurally different from the brains of people who are not sensitive to migraines. In 2007, Harvard University’s Dr. Nouchine Hadjikhani conducted brain scan research at the world-renowned Massachusetts General Hospital. Her research found that the brain’s somatosensory cortex was 21 percent thicker in a key region in people who suffered from migraines, compared to those who did not. The key region is the part of the cortex responsible for processing sensory information from the head and face (including the teeth). Sleep is a key time when the brain needs to regain neurotransmitter balance, and it appears that in migraine sensitive brains, when signals stream into this sensitized part of the brain during sleep, the neurotransmitter balance needed may not be achieved, leaving the brain vulnerable to having a migraine triggered the next day.

Soon you will be invited to join thousands of others who have STOPPED migraine pain.
SleepGuard is the only product that lets you eliminate migraines at their source, heal completely, and get reimbursed by health insurance.
Did You Know That Clenching Your Teeth At Night Can Set You Up For Migraines?
Nighttime teeth clenching puts pressure on the roots of the teeth and the trigeminal nerve. This pressure sends signals streaming into a region of the brain that is trying to recover neurotransmitter balance during sleep. This leaves your brain imbalanced and vulnerable to being "knocked over" into a migraine by changing conditions (like a flash of light or a loud sound) any time within the following day or so. Unlike teeth grinding, which makes noise and leaves teeth worn, clenching is silent and often leaves no obvious telltale signs. Thus many people who clench while sleeping don't know they are clenching, and that the clenching allows their migraines to happen.
You can click on the two tabs below to compare clenching and grinding.
- Grinding

Clenching is when your upper and lower teeth are held together with prolonged force. It may leave no visible signs, but can damage the roots of teeth, the trigeminal nerve, and the temporomandibular joint. Nighttime clenching often becomes an addictive habit, because part of the subconscious mind finds the sensation of clenching soothing.
Don't think you clench your teeth in your sleep?
If you’re like most people who clench their teeth, you probably have no idea that you clench your teeth in your sleep. Because clenching often leaves no telltale signs, you can suffer needlessly for years without ever realizing you clench. Tens of millions of people around the world clench their teeth at night without knowing it. Besides being linked to migraine headaches, teeth clenching can also lead to jaw pain, muscle spasms in the face, neck, and back, tooth pain, and TMJ Disorder. We invite you to take advantage of the SleepGuard 30-day money-back guaranteel, so you can find out whether you clench habitually in your sleep. If you find you don't, you can just return the unit and not pay for anything but the shipping.
How can clenching lead to migraines?
When you clench your teeth in your sleep, the pressure on the roots of your teeth sends signals streaming into your brain’s somatosensory cortex at a time when it is trying to recover brain chemistry balance. These signals streaming in when "quiet time" is needed leave your brain chemistry imbalanced, and vulnerable to getting "knocked over" into migraine overload.
Your Migraine-Sensitive Brain Reacts Differently

Brain above on right (in migraine overload) is using oxygen much more and differently from non-migraine brain on left
Brains that are not migraine-sensitive can handle the rush of signals from nighttime teeth clenching, but migraine-sensitive-brains become imbalanced by these signals, so that later in the day, the brain is much more easily "knocked over" into a migraine. The migraine often doesn't start until some condition (like a flash of light or a smell or a sound) knocks the brain over into migraine overload.
Once your migraine starts, the oxygen-usage patterns of your brain shift radically, and the brain literally goes into an overload state. The image shown on the left is from some of the migraine research completed by Dr. Hadjikhani at Massachusetts General Hospital, and shows the difference in oxygen usage patterns in the brain of a person not having a migraine (on the left), compared to the same brain in migraine overload (on the right). Most migraines keep going until the overload condition burns itself out, which can take as long as three days.
An estimated 40 million people suffer from nighttime teeth clenching in the U.S. alone

Occasional teeth clenching or grinding, medically referred to as bruxism, is normally harmless.
However, when it occurs on a more frequent basis it can cause severe problems such as:
- Worn Down & Broken Teeth
- Jaw Muscle Discomfort
- Migraines & Headaches
- Neck and Back Pain
- Locking Jaw
- Myofascial Pain
How an MIT Genius and a Team of Elite Engineers Found a Ground-breaking Treatment for Migraines

The SleepGuard biofeedback headband is a revolutionary biofeedback headband uses advanced technology to retrain your brain to eliminate clenching in a new way. As you sleep, the headband detects when you are clenching your teeth, and responds by making a subtle sound which lets your brain learn to instinctively stop clenching. This is the same basic technique used in the classic Pavlov experiment that you probably learned about in school.
Want to know the best part?
Retraining to STOP the ROOT CAUSE of Migraines is easy...

Study Proves the Link Between Migraines & Teeth Clenching
A clinical efficacy study released by Holistic Technologies on January 1, 2013 showed the positive results that migraine sufferers experienced from using the SleepGuard biofeedback headband. Participants who suffered regular migraines before the trial found that using nighttime biofeedback to reduce their nighttime teeth clenching enabled them to eliminate or drastically reduce their migraines.
SleepGuard is a Quick & Easy Solution to Free Yourself From Migraines and SKYROCKET Into Feeling Good
The SleepGuard biofeedback headband is easy to use. It only takes a few minutes to learn how to operate, and most people start to see results within a few days. This comfortable headband is worn in your sleep and senses tiny muscle signals (EMG signals) that indicate you are clenching your teeth. The device makes a soft sound that increases gradually so it doesn’t wake you. The audible cue tells your brain to relax and stop clenching, which stops the stream of signals into your brain’s somatosensory cortex, ending the chain of events that would set up the conditions for a migraine. Practicing while awake for only a couple of minutes per day will drastically improve your response when sleeping.

The SleepGuard biofeedback headband has helped thousands of people like you to stop clenching, and has helped them alleviate a variety of painful symptoms caused by teeth clenching.
But, don't take our word for it.
Listen to the success stories from SleepGuard users who have become free from debilitating migraines
Audio Testimonials
Clarissa Jacobson (interviewed by Elizabeth Carrington) came to hate dentists. She went to six dentists over a period of years (including one of the premier Beverly Hills TMJ specialists), spent over $20,000 on mouth guards and other treatments, and nothing helped until she tried the SleepGuard biofeedback headband.
Bob Kirk (interviewed by Lee Weinstein) shares how the SleepGuard biofeedback headband helped him stop breaking teeth and stop needing root canals.
Michele Y. (interviewed by Elizabeth Carrington) used to grind her teeth, and suffered from headaches for many years. Mouth guards and muscle relaxants did nothing for these problems, and her NTI mouth guard actually made things worse. After she started using the SleepGuard biofeedback headband, Michele went from 15 headaches per month to one or two per month, and got rid of her jaw pain.
Diane Lawrence (interviewed by Elizabeth Carrington) tried many different mouth guards, but clenched so hard that her jaw and fibromyalgia hurt terribly. Muscle relaxants didn’t help, and she tried a specialized NTI mouth guard that “screwed up her jaw”. She now thinks of her life as “before SleepGuard and after SleepGuard”.
Elizabeth Carrington (interviewed by Lee Weinstein) tells of her 20-year struggle with migraines, which finally ended with the SleepGuard biofeedback headband. She went from having migraines at least 3 days per week, to having no migraines for over a year.
Liz Gardner (interviewed by Elizabeth Carrington) shares the story of how she finally got her years of migraines and TMJ problems under control with the SleepGuard biofeedback headband.
Linda L. (interviewed by Lee Weinstein) suffered from TMJ pain and daily migraines for years. She tried jaw reconstruction surgery, NTI (which made things worse), anticonvulsants, narcotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, Botox injections, total hysterectomy (yes, some doctors tell people to do that), spent over $10,000 on dentists, got some relief through an orthotic, and within 10 nights of using the SleepGuard biofeedback headband she was out of pain. Within four months she could go months without wearing it.
Written Testimonials
"I was a serious grinder, but in a matter of weeks, SleepGuard helped me stop grinding my teeth. No more headaches. No more sore jaw. And best of all, I haven't had to wear a night guard in over a year!"
- L. Russell, Boston
Before SleepGuard, every morning I would wake up feeling like I had been through a 10-round fight. My jaw and temples were tender and throbbing…my eyes were bloodshot. I searched the Internet for years for something that would help, and finally found an answer. When your package arrived, I was eager to try it and have been satisfied with the results ever since.

New York City
"I'm simply amazed at how effective this device has been for me. Averaging the first 30 days of data shows that I dropped from over 9 seconds of clenching per hour to less than one second per hour.
I was quite skeptical before using it, but the 30-day money-back guarentee period convinced me to give it a try. Initially I was concerned that the alarm would constantly wake my spouse, but it hasn't been a problem at all. Thank you for making such a device available at a reasonable price."
-Ron Blackstock, Saint Petersburg, FL
"Your product is unbelievable - I would not know where I would be without it!"
- Sito, Redwood City, CA
"Thank you for creating this product for people with bruxism who have nowhere else to turn after trying conventional remedies. The product has helped me immensely and has reduced my clenching significantly. I will recommend this product to anyone with this problem."
- Kirsten, Cape Coral, FL
"My grinding and neck pain are greatly reduced since purchasing my SleepGuard biofeedback headband, thank you."
- Anne McCullagh Rennie, Australia

What if you could END Your Migraine Pain, RISK-FREE?
You are invited to try SleepGuard for 30 days risk-free.
Do you need an affordable, drug-free solution to end your migraine pain?

The SleepGuard biofeedback headband does not require the use of medications and has no known negative side effects. The device has been approved by the FDA and is a safe and effective, doctor-recommended way to drastically reduce or eliminate your teeth clenching, so you can heal and get out of pain.
The SleepGuard costs about the same as a dozen migraine pills such as Imitrex, and it’s only a one-time purchase, so there are no ongoing costs required other than replacing batteries and sensor pads. The pricing for a SleepGuard headband starts as low as $295.00, and flexible payment arrangements are also available, including a lease option. This means that you can eliminate your migraine headaches for less than 30 cents per day. And, we’ll even let you try it for free for 30 days and get a full refund (excluding shipping). Compared to the cost of medications and the pain you endure from migraines, we know you'll find this an important option.
You can eliminate your pain for less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day.

SleepGuard Partners with Your Subconscious Mind to end the habit that causes your migraine pain WHILE YOU SLEEP!
For people who habitually clench their teeth during sleep, painful migraine headaches can almost always be stopped by stopping the nighttime teeth clenching habit. That habit is there because part of your subconscious mind has grown to like clenching during sleep. That part of your subconscious finds the sensation of clenching soothing. It thinks it is helping you. Your subconscious doesn’t realize that clenching that feels soothing during sleep causes damage, and feels painful while awake.
The SleepGuard biofeedback headband doesn’t get you out of pain all by itself. It partners with your subconscious mind, so you instinctively stop clenching every time you start, and that gets you out of pain. You do a few minutes of practice each day while awake, that creates and strengthens the part of your subconscious that will work with SleepGuard to stop your clenching and get you out of pain.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
The SleepGuard biofeedback headband is free to try, and provides you with the comfort and security of a no-hassle money-back guarantee.
Don’t You Deserve To Be Free From Your Migraine Pain Like So Many Others?
Take the first step toward freeing yourself from migraine headache pain forever, RISK FREE.